November 5th – November 9th 2018 at Herlong Recreational Airport
Information is subject to change. Visit https://safecon-region-ix.webnode.com/information/ for current information.
Monday, November 5th, 2018
0800-1600 School Check-In/Landing Practice
1200-1400 Inspect Preflight Aircraft
1500-1600 Judges Meeting at The Lexington Hotel
1700-1800 Arrival Briefing – Mandatory at The Lexington Hotel
1815-1930 Recognition Event at The Lexington Hotel
Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0845-1630 Navigation Planning/ Event
By Appointment Ground Trainer Practice
By Appointment Preflight Event
1800-1915 SCAN Event at The Lexington Hotel
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0845-1245 Power-Off Landing Event
1200-1345 Catered Lunch by Jacksonville University
By Appointment Ground Trainer Event
By Appointment Safety Interviews
1400-1800 Short Field Landing Event
1800-2000 Judges/Coaches Social at the Lexington Hotel
Thursday, November 8th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0900-1230 Message Drop Event
By Appointment Ground Trainer Event
By Appointment Safety Interviews
1400-1530 Computer Accuracy Event
1800-2000 Social Networking Event at Top Golf
Friday, November 9th, 2018
0730-0900 Weather Makeup Day (As Required)
0900-0945 Lessons Learned Meeting in The Lexington Hotel
0945-1030 Region IX Business Meeting in The Lexington Hotel
1200-1400 Awards Banquet Lunch at Jacksonville University
Davis College of Business
*Schedule is subject to change
Contestant Fees = $100 per student competing
For Airport information please see the following wesite: https://www.airnav.com/airport/KHEG
Chief Judge: Dennis Wilt
JU Aviation Program Director: Matthew Tuohy
Jacksonville University President: Timothy Cost
Advisers: Dr. Rhett Yates and Professor Chad Kendall
Host Committee Chairman: Megan Birtalan