Officer Elections 2019

Please Click The following link to Elect officers for the 2019 Polk State Flight Team. We have one additional position of Host Committee Chairman since we are the host school for the 2019 Region IX SAFECON.
Elections will close on Monday January 14th, 2019
Congratulations Medal Winners

Congratulations to the medal winners from the Region IX NIFA SAFECON (National Intercollegiate Flying Association – Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference)
Computer Accuracy
10th – Marshal Richmond
Aircraft Preflight
6th – Ryan Miles
9th – Maddi Zeuli
Aircraft Recognition
8th – Jensen Houck
Ground Trainer
9th – Jensen Houck
Message Drop
9th – Zack Carter – Dropmaster : Ryan Miles – Pilot
9th – Jensen Houck – Pilot : Casey Kalita – Safety Observer
Short Field Landing
7th – Justin Gentle
For the official results from Region IX SAFECON:
Follow the flight team during the competition this week
We invite you to follow the flight team during the on our Facebook page at
Also folllow us on Instagram
We will be posting videos and pictures throughout the week of the competition.

Jacksonville University SAFECON 2018 Schedule

November 5th – November 9th 2018 at Herlong Recreational Airport
Information is subject to change. Visit for current information.
Monday, November 5th, 2018
0800-1600 School Check-In/Landing Practice
1200-1400 Inspect Preflight Aircraft
1500-1600 Judges Meeting at The Lexington Hotel
1700-1800 Arrival Briefing – Mandatory at The Lexington Hotel
1815-1930 Recognition Event at The Lexington Hotel
Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0845-1630 Navigation Planning/ Event
By Appointment Ground Trainer Practice
By Appointment Preflight Event
1800-1915 SCAN Event at The Lexington Hotel
Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0845-1245 Power-Off Landing Event
1200-1345 Catered Lunch by Jacksonville University
By Appointment Ground Trainer Event
By Appointment Safety Interviews
1400-1800 Short Field Landing Event
1800-2000 Judges/Coaches Social at the Lexington Hotel
Thursday, November 8th, 2018
0730-0800 Judges Briefing
0800-0830 Contestant Briefing
0900-1230 Message Drop Event
By Appointment Ground Trainer Event
By Appointment Safety Interviews
1400-1530 Computer Accuracy Event
1800-2000 Social Networking Event at Top Golf
Friday, November 9th, 2018
0730-0900 Weather Makeup Day (As Required)
0900-0945 Lessons Learned Meeting in The Lexington Hotel
0945-1030 Region IX Business Meeting in The Lexington Hotel
1200-1400 Awards Banquet Lunch at Jacksonville University
Davis College of Business
*Schedule is subject to change
Contestant Fees = $100 per student competing
For Airport information please see the following wesite:
Chief Judge: Dennis Wilt
JU Aviation Program Director: Matthew Tuohy
Jacksonville University President: Timothy Cost
Advisers: Dr. Rhett Yates and Professor Chad Kendall
Host Committee Chairman: Megan Birtalan
2018-2019 Flight Team Officers Announced

Congratulations to our new Officers for the 2018-2019 Season.
Captain – Safat Osmani
First Officer Flight – Ismael Jimenez
First Officer Ground – Ryan Miles
Secretary – Sylvia Creach
New Categories For NAV Event
There are two new categories for the Navigation (NAV) event: Traditional and Unlimited. This rule change is now in affect but the new categories will not be used in the 2018 Region IX competition.

The NAV Event will still be one event but with 2 Categories. Each team will still have 3 contestants in the event but will have the option to choose which category or categories to participate in. The aircraft used in each category will need to comply with the rule:
This is in the latest version of the Red Book.
B. Airplane Eligibility
1. Aircraft type certificated as Airplane-Single Engine Land only.
2. No more than four (4) place.
3. Maximum horsepower-250 bhp.
4. May not be equipped with an after-market STOL modification.
5. In order to be eligible for the “Traditional” category in the Navigation event, the aircraft must meet requirements 1 through 4 above as well as containing no area navigation capabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, GPS, LORAN, Single (or multiple) point R-NAV units, or any other area navigation equipment. This prohibition applies to both installed and portable devices.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Will the route for Traditional category be different than the Unlimited category?
A: No, but you will only be scored against other contestants in your category.
Q: If only 1 contestant participates in the Traditional (or Unlimited) Category, does that mean they will automatically win that category?
A: Yes provided the contestant does not DQ?
Q: Is there a point advantage should 1 team win both categories?
A: There is an opportunity for a team that wins both categories to gain some extra points. I use the word opportunity because if a different team wins the other category they can gain some additional points. For example now there are 2 opportunities for teams to win 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc and the points that go along with that.
Officer Elections 2018-2019

Elections Are Closed. Results will be published on this website.
Officer Nominations Open For 2018-2019 Season

Nominations are closed. Please vote here:
Sponsor The Polk State Flight Team

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Polk State Flight Team. We are a student run organization relying primarily on donations from businesses and people like you. All donations are appreciated.
To donate to the flight team, please click on the following link and confirm Polk State Flight Team is selected.
Donate Online : Polk State College Foundation Donations Page
If donating by Mail please enclose a check payable to:
Polk State College Foundation
999 Avenue H, NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881
*In the check’s memo, please designate Polk State Flight Team Fund 2350
Sponsorship Levels
$1000 includes your organization’s name or logo on the shirt in a place you designate. In addition, you will receive a team shirt for your support.
$500 includes your organization’s name or logo on the shirt. In addition, you will receive a team shirt for your support